First Aid and CPR Essentials

Commodore LongfellowOver 100 years ago, Commodore Wilbert E. Longfellow (the father of American Red Cross lifesaving and water safety) said: “Every American a swimmer; every swimmer a lifesaver!” Even though this is still a crucial goal, with respect to the Commodore, I would like to amend his quote to the following  “Every American a swimmer; every swimmer a lifesaver and first aid provider!

As we learn more and more about first aid and emergency response, we come to realize how important the actions of bystanders and first responders are in saving lives, both in and out of the watercares-4. For example, the survival rates of people suffering sudden cardiac arrest can double or triple because of bystander interaction. Seeing that an emergency call is made and then providing chest compressions and timely defibrillation is now, more than ever before, in the purview of the bystander or basic-life-support (BLS) provider.

For more information about first aid, CPR, and emergency response, click a link: