Lifeguard IQ Test

This test is designed to establish your Lifeguarding IQ (LG-IQ). To complete the test, answer all of the question to the best of your ability. Be sure to use all lowercase letters for answers you type in and check your spelling before submitting each answer (spelling counts). Upon completion, you will receive a numeric score between 0 and 200. The score is your Lifeguarding Intelligence Quotient (LG-IQ).

NOTE: Correct answers have been hidden to preserve test security. I have been asked to support this test with some study materials. For now, I would be happy to discuss any question. To get this information, start by emailing me at: [email protected]. You can take the test multiple times if you want.

This test is open to all current and former lifeguards of all environments and from any country or state in the world. Good luck!

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